The battle between Riley Moss and Spartan quarterback Rocky Lombardi go back to their high school days. Now the two faced each other in college with Lombardi leading the Michigan State attack. While Lombardi won one battle with a big pass play against Moss, it was the Hawkeye corner who won the war when he picked off a pass and took it in for a 54 yard touchdown. Moss discusses his performance and why he saw the defensive improvement coming in practice.
Q: Did it bring back memories facing Rocky Lombardi and the final pass he threw in high school?
MOSS: Yeah, me and Jack Koerner were talking about that this week. Jack got one against him in high school as well. It was fun to face Rocky again and relive those memories.
Q: Can you go over the pick six and what you saw?
MOSS: We were on Cover 2. One disappeared and two was vertical so I sank and the ball was a perfect throw to me and I just took it back. I was talking to Joe Evans and he said he gave up his body on the return and I shouted him out. I couldn’t have returned it without Joe Evans or any of those defensive lineman.
Q: This was an offensive unit that exploded last week. What did you see and how did you keep them in check?
MOSS: the game plan was do your job and follow your keys and your responsibilities. The only way to hurt us was to give up big plays and I know I gave one up and I know that was wrong. But, I came back and I knew the only way we lose this game is if we do it to ourselves and give up the big plays.
Q: How big was the pressure that the defensive line created towards Rocky Lombardi?
MOSS: It was huge. It makes our job in the secondary that much easier, so props to those guys. They did a great job this week in practice. Our prep this week was probably the best that we have had so far this year. As long as we can keep building off that, I think we will be doing pretty well.
Q: Did you get a chance to talk to Rocky after the game?
MOSS: Yeah, we exchanged words. He’s doing well and it was good to talk to him. I hadn’t seen him in a few years.
Q: You mentioned the prep this week was better. What was different? What helped?
MOSS: I think it was the plays in practice where even if it wasn’t coming to your side, like a run play to the opposite side, everyone was hustling there towards the ball. We were getting in our heads that even if it’s away, you are still pursuing to the ball and flying around. Our energy was great this week and we were excited to play the game. I think if we do this every week it will show for sure.