The Hyball is a weekly basketball column
You could never ask for more.
Well, maybe not never -- but rarely. Watching Kate Martin play basketball is an exercise in what it means to be given everything. Heart and blood and guts. Realized potential. Maxed out effort. Sharp. Smarts. Guard up. Guard down. Offense, usually. Trust, always. Hit the shot. Grab the rebound.
We share the same birthday, home state, and both play basketball a couple times a week -- but that's exactly where the parallels stop. Because when she steps onto the court, it's special.
For so long, she's been called the glue of this Iowa team, and though I of course find that label apt, it almost seems inadequate now. What's gluier than glue? Superglue? Cement? DIY people, help me out here.
You want to see that point guard you love learn to lead an offense. That post you love to improve their free throw percentage a few ticks. I watch Kate Martin play and think none of those things. With her, we have it all -- but against Drake, a player as so realized still found a way to give us more.
Look at that shit! Look at it!
A career high (six years in!). Off the chain shooting splits. And one of my fave plays wasn't even the points:
That's her though. She is her. Always on the spot.
She is her. And we are just plain lucky.
The Hyball
"Nothing surprises you… therefore nothing about you is surprising."
Last Week
11/16 - Kansas State 65, No. 2 Iowa 58: We can put this L on me for the cheesy ass "Revenge is a dish best served Clark" preview last week. Not the best. Great example of why I'm glad we get a week between writing these columns. Would've dominated everything a few days ago, but now it feels a little more blip-in-the-rear view.
Still, losing a shot at that No. 1 ranking so early in the season = not ideal. That said, who knows when South Carolina is gonna slip up, so maybe just a pipe dream for now anyway.
11/18 - No. 2 Iowa 113, Drake 90:
I seriously love this team.
Also, have long been on the Taylor McCabe bandwagon, and I see we're still gaining momentum.
This Week
11/24 - Iowa (5) at PFW: /googles PFW
Purdue University Fort Wayne. Yes, I see.
Though the 'at' originally made me think we were going there (like, what?), Ross made me aware that this is the Clean Simple Eats Gulf Coast Showcase Women's Basketball Tournament. What a name!
The bracket is here -- and yes, it's 100% possible we have another Kansas State rematch on our hands (if they can get through UNC) on November 26 following a semifinal where Iowa would play either Delaware or FGCU.
You know what that means...
/falls into a bottomless pit
Perkins Place
Rafters Ring
had to had to had to had to
Obligatory Michigan Section
I've always wanted to go to Atlantis. It's a cool name. It's in the Bahamas. And I sincerely couldn't imagine being on a beach resort vacation while a Division I basketball tournament was occurring in a ballroom onsite. Sounds kinda wild, right?
Anyway, Michigan lost to Lil' Penny yesterday.
The Mini-Hybrid
Watching my first Iowa football game of the year tomorrow! My step-dad is a big Nebraska fan, so we get together every year for the game; it's a shared shame.
Hate not exactly flowing at the moment.
* * *
Speaking of hate: undefeated Michigan plays undefeated Ohio State, and it seems like Everything but also slightly diminished at thee same time. I'm exhausted already. Cheaters, complainers, etc.
Bill Walton's Western Civilization
I know this section is zany nearly every week, but you've got to listen to this one.
No Context Basketball
Wrapping It Up...
Let's play some football and eat all the food.
Bobby Loesch is a weekly contributor to Go Iowa Awesome. Find him on Twitter @bobbystompy, Instagram @bobbystompy, or email at bobbyloesch [at]